AI’s Role in Humankind, Part 2

2 min readJun 8, 2021

Did you ever talked to an AI? Well you can. I discovered a bot that named CleverBot on internet several years ago. It was meant to chat with people but as you can guess, talking with people not often goes as simply as, ‘Hey, how are you? What are you doing? Goodbye!’. This bot was made to make the person who is chatting with it feel like he or she is talking to a real person as much as it can. But how do you code every sentence, respond or even emotions when there are thousands of outcomes to a simple dialogue. Of course the developers didn’t code it by hand, they started with simple responds and then added the element of ‘learning’. Now, that bot actually chats pretty well because it has learnt how other humans chat, respond and reflect emotions to typing.

It wasn’t that basic of course but the fundamental is simple, if it can learn, it will develop by itself! Now, this may sound pretty good but to some people it might be frightening. You know why, what if AI learns too much since it can process informations much faster than our organic brains and never forgets. Will it turn agaisnt us? Most certainly, no. Provided it has no free will or a person coded it to hate humans! Free will is a whole other subject to discuss about and we’ll get to that later.

As you can see, AI has been integrated to our lives more than you think. From computer programmes such as Google to our smartphones, from self-driving cars to automated construction systems that are used in car manufacturing. But people don’t consider them much as AI since they’re not basically cyborgs. Even though they have scraps of AI.




I will talk about Artificial Intelligence and its potential all day.